Age Gracefully

"Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength." - Betty Friedan 

Aging by Choice

The sunset years of our lives are also the golden years filled with the treasure of wisdom from our youth. We learn to slow down and enjoy life for its small blessings as we leave behind the days of hustle and bustle. In the process, we also realize that things around us move much faster and it’s not always easy to keep pace with all the changes.
Changes are taking place in many spheres and one such area is how the traditional Indian family structure is changing- we are moving away from joint family arrangement to a more nuclear and mobile family structure. With grown up children moving to different cities or countries in search of greener pastures of work and career, it’s often the elderly parents who are faced with making the choice to move or stay back.
In the present times, most elderly citizens choose to live independently for as long as possible.  This era of automation and mechanization offers so many ways for us to use technology and solutions to our benefit. We can now decide how we choose to live and experience our retirement years.One such revolutionary solution is the concept of assistive domotics.

Exploring Home Automation and Domotics

Everything around us seems to be turning “smart”. We have smart phones, smart TV and smart cars. We now also have “smart homes” that integrate intelligent solutions into the home to make our lives secure and comfortable. Domotics is the science of applying technology to control the operation of domestic appliances in a smart and intelligent way.
These are simple to use solutions that make our day to day activities smoother. Some examples include:

  •         Lights in hallways turning ON to automatically guide you after dark 
  •         Scheduling and automatic control of appliances like fans, TV, AC etc.
  •         Automatic reminders for daily activities like exercising, taking medication, doctor          appointments

For seniors limited by mobility, these solutions can assist in daily tasks and ensure home safety. For those looking for comfort and convenience, the voice command and touch based controls can save trips up the stairs to switch off fans, TV or AC.

A Helping Hand in Emergency Situations

Home automation solutions not only improve accessibility around the house, they are also handy communication tools in the event of an emergency. Fall and SOS alert ensures the caregiver or family member is immediately informed of the situation so help arrives on time.
For tasks like doctor appointments and taking medications, there are reminders that can be set so you don’t have to manually record or remember them.

Lean on Technology for Support

Now you can make the choice to live your golden years without depending on physical support of people around you. Make technology your companion. Today there are ample home automation solutions to choose from. To help you make the right choice, consider the following:

  •  Choose a product that is reliable and has after sales support available. In case you       have questions or concerns after the purchase, there should be someone reliable to     reach out to.
  •  Ask about rewiring your existing appliances to automate them. There are solutions       that require minimal rewiring.
  •  Look for ease of use and easy operation. Touch based mobile apps are simple and       intuitive and can be used by anyone.
  •  Last but not least, always ask for a demo and read up on the specifications to ensure   the product fits your needs.

Let Technology be your companion in old age- technology that brings independence and freedom!

Introducing Sentinel- An innovative solution to making your home safe for the elderly.
Sentinel is a secure, convenient and budget friendly application that is easy and quick to set up and does not require internet connection to work. User intuitive mobile controls and voice enabled commands make it easy to use by the elderly. Emergency notifications and reminders are added features that make Sentinel an efficient, reliable and safe solution.

For queries or  information, contact

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